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How important "Off the ball Movement" is

Even you have great ball skills, if you don't have a great off the ball movement by your teammates, your ball skills don't work great.

What do you think when you try to receive the ball?

The most important things to do that is "how spacing people toward to the ball holder with right timing".

Angle, timing, distance, you need to figure out the right action from these elements with reading "GAME" before you take an action.

Your action always must have a purpose because action with purpose will be a message to a person who has ball. And off the ball movement is not where you want to get the ball, it is where you can/should get the ball with knowing where you can/should go or what you can/should do for the next.

Your off the ball movement gives options to your teammates.

Your off the ball movement makes your team to work effective.

Your off the ball movement brings talent of your teammates.



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